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Why do Silverfish appear in my home and Should I be concerned?

Why do Silverfish appear in my home and Should I be concerned?

If you’ve ever noticed small, silvery insects darting across your bathroom floor or lurking in dark corners of your house, chances are you’ve encountered silverfish. These pests can be unsettling to find, but what draws them to your home, and should you be worried? Let’s dive into understanding why silverfish appear and what, if anything, you should do about them.

What Are Silverfish?

Silverfish (scientifically known as Lepisma saccharina) are small, wingless insects that get their name from their silvery, metallic appearance and fish-like movements. They have long antennae and a tapered body that allows them to move swiftly, especially when disturbed. These nocturnal creatures are typically about ½ to 1 inch in length and are often found in damp, dark areas of your home.

Why Do Silverfish Appear in My Home?

Moisture Attracts

thrive in moist environments, which is why they are often found in bathrooms, basements, kitchens, or other areas with high humidity. They are drawn to places like leaking pipes, damp basements, and condensation-prone areas.

They Love Starch and Sugars

They Love Starch and SugarsSilverfish have a particular affinity for starchy materials and sugars. They feed on things like books, wallpaper, clothing, cardboard, and even food left out in the kitchen. Items that contain starch, such as paper, glue, and textiles, make your home an inviting space for these insects.

Dark, Quiet Spaces

Silverfish are nocturnal and prefer to stay hidden in dark, undisturbed spaces. They hide in cracks, behind baseboards, and in storage boxes. Their ability to remain out of sight means they can sometimes go unnoticed until their numbers grow.

Should I Be Concerned About Silverfish?

While silverfish are undoubtedly unsettling, the good news is that they are not harmful to humans or pets. They do not bite, sting, or carry diseases. However, there are a few concerns associated with having silverfish in your home:

Damage to Belongings

Silverfish feed on materials that contain carbohydrates, including paper, books, glue, and fabrics. They can damage books, important documents, wallpaper, and clothing. Over time, their presence can lead to considerable damage to these household items.

Allergic Reactions

Though uncommon, some people may be allergic to the dust and droppings left behind by silverfish. This can potentially trigger allergy symptoms, especially for individuals with existing respiratory conditions.

Potential Infestation

Potential InfestationSilverfish can reproduce quickly if left unchecked. While they don’t pose any significant health risk, having a large infestation can become a nuisance, leading to more significant damage to books, stored food, and personal items.

How to Prevent Silverfish

If you want to avoid a silverfish problem, there are a few effective prevention methods:

Control Moisture Levels:

Reduce humidity in your home by using a dehumidifier, fixing any leaks, and ensuring good ventilation in areas like bathrooms and basements.

Remove Food Sources:

Store dry food in airtight containers, and try not to leave papers, books, or clothing on the floor. Clean up crumbs and spills promptly to reduce their potential food sources.


Avoid storing old books, newspapers, and cardboard boxes in damp areas. Decluttering will reduce hiding places for silverfish and make your home less inviting.

Seal Entry Points:

Silverfish often enter through small cracks and crevices. Sealing gaps around doors, windows, and baseboards can help keep them out.

Dealing With an Infestation

If you have noticed silverfish in your home, give us a call. Our dedicated team of professionals will identify any entry points or conducive conditions that may make your home the ideal place for Silverfish. They will go over the most effective treatment plan with you.

Final Thoughts

Silverfish are not dangerous, but they can be a nuisance, especially if they damage books, clothing, or other household items. By reducing moisture, sealing entry points, and decluttering your home, you can make your house a less attractive place for silverfish to thrive.

If you’re dealing with a few silverfish here and there, there’s no need to panic. However, if you start noticing more of these pests or signs of damage, taking action to reduce their numbers and prevent further issues is a wise choice. With the right approach, you can keep your home silverfish-free and enjoy peace of mind.

A Cockroach On A White Surface, Braving The Winter.

Why do I have cockroaches in the winter?

Why do I have cockroaches in the winter?

You would think we’d get a break from having to worry about cockroaches in the winter, right? As cold-blooded insects, shouldn’t they go dormant or die in the colder months? Unfortunately, cockroaches are a year-round pest because they find places to survive the cold. Like most pests in the winter, they look for food and water. Additionally, they look for warm, moist dark places to take shelter from the cold. Just like mice and squirrels, they need warmth to survive!

Unfortunately, your house has everything cockroaches need to survive the winter and cozy up until spring! Even businesses have cockroaches in the winter. They love commercial buildings, especially warehouses, garages, hotels, and restaurants.

A cockroach on a white surface, braving the winter.

Roaches come with more than just the “ick” factor!

Did you know that roaches can run up to 3 miles per hour? It’s bad enough to see roaches with their spindly antennae skittering across the kitchen counter or bathroom floor. It’s worse, however, to know they spread disease and bacteria. They can also carry mold and fungus from their dark, damp hiding places and spread them throughout your home. That’s why it is important for your health, hygiene, and sanitation to get rid of cockroaches and keep them from coming back.

The Types of Cockroaches in the Winter

The two most common types of cockroaches in Hampton Roads, Virginia are American Roaches and German Roaches. Although they are relatively similar, they have their unique characteristics. Knowing their differences can help you identify the type and the best way to get rid of cockroaches in the winter.

American Roaches

American Roaches, also called Water Bugs or Palmetto Bugs, can be up to 2 inches long and are the largest of the house-infesting insects. The males are slightly larger than the females, and they are the most difficult to get rid of due to their armor-like bodies and aggressive traits. They frequent drainpipes where they can hide out unnoticed. They eat sweets and starchy items like book bindings, glue, and wallpaper paste.

German Roaches

German Roaches are attracted to moisture, clutter, and dirty kitchens. They are attracted to rotting food or messes left behind for them to enjoy. German Roaches are smaller than American Roaches and lighter brown in color and live mostly indoors. They typically feast on leftovers and caracaras of other German roaches and mostly keep to the kitchen of a home.

Silhouette of a common seven-legged table, occupied by cockroaches in the winter.

Are Roaches Worse in the Winter?

It may seem like you see more cockroaches in the winter. Why? Because even the ones that can live outside in the warmer months need to get away from the cold.

They are also not scared of sounds or people until you’re practically on top of them with a shoe. Since they seek warmth, they tend to make themselves known by wandering into living spaces where temperatures are friendlier than the outside world. Unfortunately, they are social creatures, so when there’s one, there are a LOT more that you can’t see.

Cockroach Prevention

Ready to get rid of roaches? You can take steps to help prevent them from coming into your home or business altogether:

Don’t serve them a ready-made meal – Cockroaches will eat ANYTHING they can find. Maintain good storage practices with pantry items and bulk food items. They love dog food. Keep food sources in sealed containers.

Give them the cold shoulder – Reduce access to food and water by sealing cracks and crevices along doors, windows, and cabinets. Don’t forget your crawl space and pipes.

Dry conditions repel them – One of the best ways to keep your home from being attractive to roaches is to avoid excess moisture buildup in your crawl space, kitchen, and bathrooms. This is especially effective with German roaches. Neither American Roaches nor German Roaches can survive more than a week without water.

What else can you do about Cockroaches in the Winter?

If your prevention measures have failed, it’s time for roach control. There are do-it-yourself products out there. However, most are only somewhat effective and don’t get rid of the majority of the colony. They also don’t follow the life cycle of the roaches and may only repel roaches instead of killing them. You should also be careful where you spray or use the insect bombs, so you don’t contaminate food surfaces.

Seek Professional Help from Mosquito Elite Pest Control to Get Rid of Roaches!

Don’t feel bad if you just can’t get rid of them. Afterall, they survived when dinosaurs didn’t! They’ve been around a long time. If you need to get rid of roaches or you can’t figure out how they are getting in, call Mosquito Elite Pest Control. We are expert cockroach exterminators and pest’s worst enemy! Our roach control treatments are effective to get rid of them and keep them gone. Call (757) 689-0640 to schedule a consultation.


Here’s a great article for kids about where bugs go in the winter.

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